Hork-Bajir-Controllers using Dracon Beams
Dracon beam
General information
Creators Yeerk Empire
Use Separating particles, cauterization, wounding/maiming/killing
Behind the scenes
First appearance The Invasion
The Hork-Bajir Chronicles (chronologically)
Last appearance The Beginning
"Ax explained to us once that this was a unique Yeerk technology. The Andalite shredder whose technology the Yeerks used in developing the Dracon beam kills instantly, painlessly. The Dracon beam is specifically modified to destroy more slowly. The Yeerks want their enemies to feel the agony of cells exploding."

Dracon beams are hand-held weapons used by Yeerks and the Helmacrons.


"These fighters are armed with two Dracon beam weapons, a blending of Andalite shredder technology with some Ongachic particle-wave technology."
Dak Hamee to Alloran-Semitur-Corrass[src]

The Dracon beam was created in 1968 on the Hork-Bajir homeworld, when the Yeerks combined Andalite shredder technology with some of the Ongachic particle-wave technology that they had stolen. The Dracon beams then became the standard-issue weapon for Controllers.



Controllers using Dracon Beams on the TV series

"It's called a Dracon beam, huh? What's it do?"
"It fires an energy beam which causes an exceedingly painful death. Which is why we'd really prefer it if you didn't fire it."
Loren and Arbron[src]

Dracon beams are Yeerk handheld weapons. They are a blending of Andalite Shredder technology with Ongachic particle-wave technology. Like Shredders, Dracon beams separate particles and essentially disintegrate objects and individuals. However, while Shredders were designed to kill as painlessly as possible, Dracon beams were purposely altered to inflict excruciating pain as they disintegrated their targets. They were used to destroy Elfangor's ship.


  • Both Dracon beams and Shredders have been compared to the phasers from Star Trek.


Elfangor eye closeup andalite chron "Someone took a picture of me? Not cool. Do you see what I'm wearing? I'm Spandex-boy. Totally not cool."

The image gallery for Dracon Beam may be viewed here


Andalite technology Dome Ship | Escafil Device | Hirac delest | Mirrorwave call | Z-space transponder | Morphing | Mag-Hover Truck | Quantum Virus | Shredder | Gleet Bio-Filter | Prion Virus
Yeerk Technology Anti-morphing ray | Dracon beam | Gleet Bio-Filter | Kandrona | Kandrona Rays | Nova-class Empire Ship | Pool ship | Blade ship | Mag-Lev Train | Hunter Robot | Yeerk Pool | Bug fighter
Ketran Technology Explorer | Time Matrix | Mapping Crystal Quadrant 3 | Uninet | Adge
Other Dropshaft | Ixcila | Pemalite crystal | Pemalite ship | Skrit Na Saucer | Hawjabran Colony Ship | Hawjabran Freighter